Sweet or Sour

01 Sep

We hear them every day, we work with them every single moment. The magnitude of the power they carry is unimaginable, unthinkable. And yet they are never fully appreciated by those who use them.

Where would the world be without Words?

They are tools we use to build each other with, but in equal respect, cause untold pain, inflicting wounds that deeply scar. They draw back the veil of the heart revealing friend or foe, bringing out the most subtle insincerity or genuine soul.

Through them, we break into a thousand pieces hearts of those we love the most. Through the power of the tongue, we heal, bind up and bandage the deepest scar. We hang our hopes on words, these words of love, and on the promises spoken by those we trust.

We mould the heart and character of young ones by what we say-we build trust and lay a foundation for times to come. Through words, we create situations around us – fear; through words of unbelief, faith; through words of hope.

We make merry with words. They reach out and embrace with their warm expression. Yet again with their utterance, they bring forth grief from the soul, their coldness casting or pushing away as tears build up in the eyes. Words drag out and express the deepest feelings of emotion.

The source of life in words is God who speaks to create. He did not breathe light, think or point at it – though He could have done so. No. He spoke and it was. And like Him, we possess the same creative power in what we say.

For indeed as the king decrees, his bidding is executed speedily. As a judge pronounces judgment, the power of his words detains the prisoner behind bars until the term is fully served. The constant guiding instruction given by teachers and mentors over the years, when observed, shapes the entirety of who we are, and speaks to and through us for generations to come.

The fabric of our words can be the comfort that embraces others and offers warmth when the circumstances of life are dark and cold. Strangers will find the fire and warmth of kind words a safe haven to relax. Indeed even infants understand gentleness through softly spoken words that lull them to sleep.

So how careful and watchful are we with our words? Do we use them to raise hope in others or do we use them as a hammer to wound and claw at every situation and every soul we come across, crushing and bashing their hopes against the rock of despair?

By Truphie

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill. ~ Buddha

Be careful with your tongue, it’s in a wet place and can easily slip. ~ Anonymous


Posted by on September 1, 2011 in Lifestyle



7 responses to “Sweet or Sour

  1. Munene Gangi

    September 1, 2011 at 9:24 am

    Deep stuff Truphie…word.

  2. Cyra

    September 1, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    It’s true – the spoken or written word is quite powerful. They can cause amazing joy or even emotional scarring that can last for years and years. Good one Truphie.

  3. Anonymous

    September 1, 2011 at 4:32 pm

    Good stuff.

  4. Truphie

    September 4, 2011 at 11:52 pm

    MG,Cyra…Thank you

  5. Project44

    September 5, 2011 at 10:15 pm

    @Munene and Truphie, nice post….

    A certain fan of Project44 wrote this and she has allowed it to be shared….hope you don’t mind 🙂

    The Tongue
    How its compassion comforts
    Its words like the sooth
    Of honey on a painful wound

    How its sharpness wounds
    Its words like the graze
    Of a rough wall against the skin

    How its strength lifts
    Its words like the wind
    Of power beneath the wings

    How its smoothness sways
    Its words like the oil
    Of adornment on the self

    It’s cased for reason
    That man and woman
    May use it wisely. ©

    • Munene Gangi

      September 5, 2011 at 10:56 pm

      This is deep and so true. Thank you Project44 for sharing this, and thank your fan for this piece. Awesome.

  6. Anonymous

    September 6, 2011 at 2:05 am

    right on truphie,Words,words,words,they make or break.truth be told.


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